
This Saturday marks the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child by the General Assembly. It sets out detailed minimum standards against which to test the treatment of the world's children. The convention, first proposed by Poland in 1978, was ratified by the UK in December 1991. It carries great international authority because ore than 190 countries have given it the seal of approval. This anniversary and the implementation next year of the Human Rights Act (giving effect to the rights guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights) provides a useful staging post from which to consider the controversial progress of the rights of the child

In the Sixties and Seventies more attention was focused on the idea of children’s rights: 1979, for instance, was the International Year of the Child. After ten years of negotiations the present UN convention was adopted. It is wide-ranging and broadly covers four areas: welfare rights, protection rights, social justice rights and rights to act independently.

In the Sixties and Seventies more attention was focused on the idea of children’s rights: 1979, for instance, was the International Year of the Child. After ten years of negotiations the present UN convention was adopted. It is wide-ranging and broadly covers four areas: welfare rights, protection rights, social justice rights and rights to act independently.

In the Sixties and Seventies more attention was focused on the idea of children’s rights: 1979, for instance, was the International Year of the Child. After ten years of negotiations the present UN convention was adopted. It is wide-ranging and broadly covers four areas: welfare rights, protection rights, social justice rights and rights to act independently.

The present Government has pledged itself to improve matters, particularly in the area of poverty. Many controversial areas remain. Indeed, a series of reports and decisions due to be published soon will provide a useful yardstick as to how many rights children have in reality.

In particular the North Wales report by Sir Ronald Waterhouse, dealing with abuse in children’s homes, will provide a searching insight into whether a child’s right to be protected from abuse and neglect can be met given a succession of governments’ unsuccessful efforts to produce real improvements. In addition a series of decisions from Strasbourg will focus on social services procedures in dealing with child protection and whether the child may seek redress in the courts when matters go wrong.

The European Court in Strasbourg will also rule next month on challenges brought by Robert Thompson and Hon Venables, the two boys convicted of the murder of James Bulger, to their trial in an adult criminal court. Again, this will bring into focus whether our criminal justice system deals fairly with young children and whether there is ay justification for our age of criminal responsibility being so our of line with most other countries.

Much progress has been made in recent years with defining and pursuing the rights of the child. The way we treat our children is surely an important test of whether we do live in a civilized society. The era of the child being seen and not heard (or not seen and not heard) may have disappeared.

The implementation of the Human Rights Act next year will concentrate minds further on the rights approach. IN the end it comes down to a balance in broad terms between the rights of the child, parents and the State. However, the child still needs especial protection.

* The author a QC, specializes in child law and human rights law.

這個星期六是聯合國大會採用「兒童權利公約」10 周年紀念日。這項公約的發表,細化了世界兒童最基本的待遇標準。這項協定首先是由波蘭在1978年所提議的,並在1991年12月被英國所批准。 多於190個國家的認同使此公約擁有強大的國際約束力。 此十周年慶典和下一年度既將實施的人權法案(在歐洲人權公約影響下起了擔保的作用) 為那些在兒童權利上有爭議的過程提供了一個有用的臨時停靠站①。

60 和70 年代,國際上②把大部份的注意力都集中在兒童權利上: 舉例說明,1979被定為國際兒童年。經過10 年的協商,現今聯合國終於將公約採用。它服務的範圍相當廣大,涵蓋了4 領域:福利權利,保護權利,社會裁決權利和自主性的權利。





史特拉斯堡的歐洲法院下個月將會對被判殺害詹姆斯‧巴爾傑的兩名男孩,羅伯特‧湯普森(Robert Thompson)和喬恩‧維納布林斯(Hon Venables)在成人犯罪法庭內做出判決。我國刑事司法制度是否公平地對待兒童以及對於需負刑事責任年齡的界定是否與各國制度有較大差別的問題,將再一次引起關注。




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